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The Spiritual Gifts Listed In Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12


literally means “speech full of God’s wisdom”

the ability to understand and explain the deep things of God

the ability to offer keen insight and understand into helping a given situation

the ability to receive a direct message from God and then tell it to His people (1 Cor. 14:23-25).


the ability to speak a message from God in an unknown language

the ability to interpret a message from God that was spoken in an unknown language

the ability to give clear instruction and explanation of God’s Word

the ability to counsel and encourage others to improve their lives

the ability to help stir others to believe in God

the ability to supernaturally heal others

literally means “a performance of power” - Acts 8:6-7
the power can include casting out evil spirits, healing illness, or raising the dead as Paul did

the ability to discern whether a message is truly from God or not

the ability to help others in their tasks

literally means “to guide”
the ability to see the overall picture and help organize tasks efficiently

literally means “to wait on tables”
the ability to help meet the practical needs of others

the ability to share one’s wealth with others to further the ministry of God


the ability to coordinate the activities of others to achieve God’s goals

the ability to get close to and help those in distress




The Gift of Tongues As Used in 1 Corinthians


1. Tongues is a spiritual gift given for the profit of a church congregation


  • Paul possessed the gift and used it more than all of the Corinthians (14:18) 

  • Paul wished that all the Corinthians could have the gift (14:5), but he says that all do not possess the gift (12:30) 

  • Paul lists the gift of tongues as last in importance of the spiritual gifts (12:28)

  • Even so, the use of the gift is not to be forbidden (14:39)

  • One day in the future, the gift will cease  (13:8)


2. Uninterpreted tongues address God alone (14:2)


  • No man understands the tongues speaker (14:2)

  • They speak mysteries in the spirit (14:2)


3. Uninterpreted tongues strengthen the one speaking (14:4),  but it does not bear fruit in the speaker's mind (14:14)

4. Uninterpreted tongues is of lesser value than prophecy (14:5) uninterpreted tongues do not instruct others, unlike prophecy (14:19)

5. Uninterpreted tongues do not strengthen a church congregation (14:4,5,16,17) are actually a source of confusion for the ungifted and unbelievers (14:23)


6. Uninterrupted tongues are for a sign to unbelievers (14:22), likely, a sign of to Jews (14:21)


7. In church, speaking in tongues must be used to strengthen the congregation (14:12,13,26)


  • The message must be interpreted in church (14:27)

  • The speaker is to pray that he may interpret the message (14:13)

  • Speakers must be limited to two or three (14:27)

  • Speaking must take place by turns (14:27)​

  • The speaker must keep silent if no interpreter is found (14:28)  â€‹

  • The speaker may speak to himself and God (14:28)




The Uses Of Tongues In The New Testament


  • As a way God authenticated that fact that a new group of Christians was entering the Church (in Acts 2:1-5 when Jews first entered the church, in Acts 8:14-19 when Samaritans first entered the Church, in Acts 10:44-46 when Gentiles first entered the Church, and in Acts 19:6 when followers of John the Baptist entered the Church)


  • Privately, it was used as a special way of having private prayer with God – 1 Cor. 14:2, 28 


  • In church, it was used as a way to strengthen other Christians if it was accompanied with interpretation – 1 Cor. 14:5, 27-28


  • Nowhere in the Bible was this gift used to preach the gospel to others (when the disciples spoke in tongues in Acts 2, they spoke of the mighty works of God.  However, when it came time for Peter to preach the gospel, he spoke in the normal language of the audience.)




Is Speaking in Tongues Needed to Have the Fullness of the Holy Spirit or His Power?


There is no command in Scripture to ever seek or speak in tongues.

Peter, one of the first Christians to speak in tongues on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, writes in 2 Peter 2:5-11 of seven crucial things to add to our faith after our salvation.  He lists moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love.  He says if a person possesses these qualities, he will be useful, fruitful and never stumble.  This would have been the perfect place for him to add that a person must speak in tongues to have the fullness of the Holy Spirit and His power, but he never says it.  He says instead that if these seven qualities are in our lives, we will have all we need to be powerful for God.



Sermon:  The Value God Places On Speaking In Tongues - 1 Corinthians 14

480 Samuel’s Church Road, 
McClure PA 17841
Pastor Clark Kelsey  (570) 452-1905
480 Samuel’s Church Road, McClure PA 17841
Pastor Clark Kelsey  (570) 452-1905
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