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Each summer in June, our church holds a week of Vacation Bible School. This is our church's biggest outreach to the community, and we make it our emphasis to lift up Jesus Christ as the only hope and savior of mankind.


Each V.B.S. evening begins at 6:45 p.m. with an opening of lively songs in the sanctuary.  Everyone is then dismissed to their classes for saying their memory verses, collecting the offering for the special missionary project, learning their Bible lesson, enjoying a snack, and working on a craft. Everyone returns to the sanctuary for a closing song and prayer at 8:30 p.m. 

The last night, the youth are encouraged to invite their parents to a special closing program of singing, games, and special food.

480 Samuel’s Church Road, 
McClure PA 17841
Pastor Clark Kelsey  (570) 452-1905
480 Samuel’s Church Road, McClure PA 17841
Pastor Clark Kelsey  (570) 452-1905
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